Lip filler

Lip filler has become a popular noninvasive cosmetic treatment over the last two decades, with celebrities like Ariana Grande, Anna Faris, and Kylie Jenner getting regular lip fillers, increasing the treatment’s popularity. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of lip filler treatments has grown by more than 300% since 2000. Pop culture, medical research, and the safety of the procedure have contributed to its growth.

Lip fillers are a nonsurgical cosmetic injection treatment to make your lips look plumper, fuller, and more youthful. The injections mainly contain hyaluronic acid, which is a gel-like, soft, naturally occurring substance that hydrates and plumps the lips. The procedure is minimally invasive and takes a few minutes.

With the increased accessibility of the procedure and many people preferring to avoid full surgeries, some patients consider getting lip fillers. While it is a minimally invasive procedure, you may experience some common side effects during your body’s healing process. Here is a guide on what you should expect after getting lip filler.

Q: Will I be able to talk immediately after getting lip filler?

A: Yes. You’ll be able to speak immediately after having lip fillers. Lip fillers are designed to look natural and, when performed properly, will not affect speech. The procedure should never leave you unable to speak. Lip fillers will also not interfere with your ability to eat or drink. You may feel like eating or drinking isn’t a good idea right away, simply for the reason that the area of your mouth where you had lip fillers injected may still be numb from the procedure. However, this is a temporary condition and goes away very quickly.

Q. How uncomfortable are the after-effects of lip filler?

A: It’s normal to feel a bit uncomfortable for about 24 hours. After that, you should be able to return to your routine without any problems. After having your treatment, you may experience the following effects:

  • Numbness
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Heaviness or tightness in the treated area
  • Minor pain or tingling at the injection site
  • Temporary numbness of the mouth

These after-effects are minor, and you will be able to resume most of your normal activities immediately. You can apply ice to your lips to ease the bruising, swelling, and any pain. Just be sure to cover the ice cubes with a cloth to prevent them from sticking to the lip.

After the procedure, you should avoid strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours, as this can worsen the bruising. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid applying makeup on your lips for 24 hours.

Q. How often should I get lip filler to maintain volume?

The frequency of lip fillers depends on how quickly your body breaks down the product. You may need to schedule a touch-up within two to three months after the initial procedure. Some patients need maintenance, adjusted touch-ups, and fine-tuning of their lips at six-month intervals, while others do well with only one visit every year. On average, lip fillers are effective between six and nine months. The most common lip filler injections are:

  • Restylane
  • Restylane Kysse
  • Juvederm

Q. What is the most common complaint among lip filler clients?

The most common complaint with lip fillers is bruising. Many patients are surprised at the amount of bruising they have after having the procedure, but this is completely normal. Bruising can last anywhere from one to two weeks. You can use gloss or light-colored lipstick to cover the bruising after the initial healing period.

Interested in learning more about lip filler? 

Lip fillers are a great option if you want to boost your look with minimal pain and downtime. It is easy and takes only a few minutes. The effects last between six and nine months, and while there are side effects to it, they take only one to two weeks to subside. At Plastic Surgeons of Northern Arizona, our goal is to help you achieve a more plump and youthful look to make you feel more confident and comfortable. Contact us today if you’re considering having a lip filler procedure or have more questions.